Search results for "position statement"

19 results found.

Position statement on research involving security-sensitive material

Research involving security-sensitive research material raises a number of issues for researchers and research organisations. These include legal matters, questions about IT specifications related to the storage of such material, and issues of research ethics and research integrity. UKRIO has produced a short position statement setting out its views on the issues  of research integrity […]

Statement on pharmaceutical funding

Pharmaceutical funding: statement by UKRIO UKRIO is funded by subscriptions from UK public sector, charitable research organisations, and higher education institutions. We have never received any funding from private sector organisations which conduct pharmaceutical or biomedical research.  A list of our current subscribers is available here. During our first phase, which ran from 2006 until […]

What is a Research Ethics Committee?

Research ethics committees (RECs) are an important part of a healthy research culture. Their role is to consider the ethical implications of research. Traditionally this has focussed on the need to protect research participants (both human and animal), but in recent years their role in supporting researchers, and promoting research integrity more generally, has been […]

Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion are essential for good research practice and to support a positive research culture. We have compiled a list of resources to support knowledge in this area. Equality: Creating an environment for fair and just treatment of all members of society. Equity: An environment that […]


Authorship resources From UKRIO Guidance Webinar From elsewhere Guidance Video Further reading General International collaboration Equal contributions Gift and ghost authorship Data Contributorship Sex and gender Acknowledgments Disputes Author numbers Author order Conflicts of interest   From UKRIO   Guidance Code of Practice for Research: Publication and authorship. 2021. Good practice in research: Authorship. […]

UKRIO responds to House of Commons research integrity inquiry

UKRIO has responded to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee inquiry into research integrity. Our submission notes that: The UK’s approach to supporting and enhancing research integrity has received positive feedback but there is no room for complacency. Data on research integrity remains piecemeal and additional research is needed to more accurately assess research […]

December 2023: Response to REF 2028 consultation

UKRIO’s views on assessing people, culture, and environment (PCE) in the Research Excellence Framework 2028 (REF 2028).   Below is our submitted response for the 1st of December 2023 deadline, outlining UKRIO’s concerns about this element of REF 2028 and possible solutions to our identified challenges and concerns. The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) welcomes […]

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AI in research

AI in research – resources   “I can’t help falling in love with AI”: chatbots and research integrity Chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, the open-source BLOOM, Bing Chat, or Google Bard are exciting. But don’t be fooled, advises our Research Integrity Manager Matt Hodgkinson. Published: July 25, 2023     LLMs can’t be an author. […]

An Introduction to Research Integrity

Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 10:00 – noon GMT This webinar focused on key topics in research integrity, research ethics and publication in research, and was aimed at those early in their careers, those with responsibilities for leading and training researchers, and those looking for a refresher in these important issues. The videos of the talks […]