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In a new blog, UKRIO CEO Stephanie Neave and Trustee Dr Simon Kolstoe argue that efforts to prevent research errors must accurately reflect and address the root causes driving questionable research practices and misconduct.
Enablers and Inhibitors of Research Integrity, is a new addition to the evidence base for research integrity. The study, carried out by UKRIO in partnership with the UK Reproducibility Network and the Science Policy Research Unit of the University of Sussex, explores the evidence for systemic factors that may enable or inhibit research integrity and was commissioned by the UK Committee on Research Integrity.
A PDF file of Mun-Keat Looi's slides, from his presentation during UKRIO's webinar on science communication and research integrity.
PDF of PowerPoint slides
These speaker notes were prepared for the UKRIO webinar ‘Science communication and research integrity’ on 26th June 2024, by Dr Stephen Webster, Senior Lecturer in Science Communication, Imperial College London and Director of The Good Science Project.
This is a video recording of the science communication and research integrity webinar held in June 2024.
Dr Jocelyne Sze talk through the challenging colonical practices in research for PhD researchers.
Dr Romina Istratii talks through how a decolonised research culture can improve research integrity.
Dr Jemeen Sreedharan, talks about his personal experiences of openness (and the opposite!) and how it has led to his research flourishing.
An infographic showing the responsibilities of a STEM focused technician / research assistant in improving research culture.
A discussion piece about the increased emphasis on the research environment and culture of the REF 2028.
A resource page that explores how working in academia can impact on mental health and well-being of researchers.
Resource page
An infographic describing the responsibilities of a postdoctoral researcher in improving research culture.
An infographic that describes support for a PI in improving research culture.
An infographic that describes the responsibilities of a PI in improving research culture.
An infographic of research culture concerns to speak up about!
An infographic describing the responsibilities of a PGRS in improving research culture.
Dr Nadia Soliman, Research Associate, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London
Dr Samuel Westwood, University of Westminster.
Dr Sam Oakley, Researcher Development & Integrity Specialist, University of Glasgow.
Dr Tanita Casci, Head of Research Policy, University of Glasgow.
Dr Elizabeth Adams talks through how we might recognise and celebrate support for the careers of others.
Professor, Dame Ottoline Leyser DBE FRS, Chief Executive, UK Research and Innovation, and Regius Professor of Botany, University of Cambridge.
Martin Farley, Director, Green Labs Associates, Sustainable Laboratory Advisor at University College London and Sustainable Research Manager, Kings College London
Petra Boyton talks through the broad range of issues that should be covered in research training, but often are not.
Professor Leanne Hodson talks about how research team leaders and members can nurture a healthy research culture by taking small, practical steps.
Dr Christian Dumpitak discusses his experience and lessons learned from long-term developments in the field of research integrity at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany).
Dr Verity Postlethwaite, Research Associate at the Japan Research Centre, SOAS University of London.
A collection of resources on research culture.
It is a toolkit for those who wish to continue to improve research integrity and support a positive research culture within their organisation.
Digital badge in responsible conduct of research at University College Cork.
Professor Maria Delgado, Vice Principal, Research and Knowledge Exchange, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London.
Dr Stuart Richie talks about the perverse incentives in science.