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A PDF file of Mun-Keat Looi's slides, from his presentation during UKRIO's webinar on science communication and research integrity.
PDF of PowerPoint slides
These speaker notes were prepared for the UKRIO webinar ‘Science communication and research integrity’ on 26th June 2024, by Dr Stephen Webster, Senior Lecturer in Science Communication, Imperial College London and Director of The Good Science Project.
This is a video recording of the science communication and research integrity webinar held in June 2024.
A resource page listing guidance and tools relating to Peer Review.
Resource page
Watch this insightful video presented by Sofia Fernandes, Open Research Manager at the University of Exeter's library, where you'll learn a comprehensive overview of the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the realm of open research for researchers and institutions.
An FAQ that addresses the themes of many questions that were raise by the attendees of this webinar.
Peer review excerpt from UKRIO's Code of Practice for Research.
A core part of publication ethics is that when published research is affected by errors or misconduct, this must be corrected. This webinar aims to explain both the process of fixing errors and misconceptions about corrections.
A resource page covering the topic of AI in research.
A useful collection of resources discussing making your thesis open access.
Prof Dorothy Bishop discussed how the registered reports publishing model contrasts with conventional publishing, and what the benefits are for authors and for science in general.
Matt Hodgkinson, Research Integrity Manager, UKRIO. In this video, Matt focuses on key topics in publication ethics and authorship in research.
Mrs Susan Veldsman, Director: Scholarly Publishing, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf).
Dr. Irene Hames, Independent Advisor on research integrity, research publication and publication ethics, discusses the important issue of authorship in research.
Dr Alexandra Freeman, described the thinking behind Octopus and how it is designed to incentivise good science rather than good storytelling.
Professor Chris Chambers, Cardiff University.
Chris Graf, Director of Research Integrity at Wiley, covers, what publishers are doing that helps researchers and universities to amplify research integrity by adopting new kinds of transparency.
Suzanne Farley, PhD, Research Integrity Director, Springer Nature.
This guidance documents explores good authorship practices.
We asked Jana Christopher, a image integrity analyst, a series of questions about her work.
Expert Interview
In collaboration with COPE this guidance is intended to raise awareness of the proper criteria for retractions.
A useful list of resources relating to predatory journals and publishers.
A page explaining what pre-proof and pre-press articles are.
How can peer review support research integrity?
An extensive resource page covering everything you need to know about authorship.
A resource page on academic image integrity.
When an authorship dispute is more than it seems. This case study version is for trainees.
Case study
Is it plagiarism? This case study version is for trainees.
Is it plagiarism? This case study version is for trainers.
When an authorship dispute is more than it seems. This case study version is for trainers.