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Dr Barnes and Dr Newby discuss the importance of conducting inclusive research that benefits all, particularly those who have historically been underserved or excluded. They demonstrate how inclusion can be embedded at every stage of the research lifecycle—from conception to dissemination, implementation, and impact.
PowerPoint Slide
Dr. Maisha Islam discusses how issues of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research culture are critical to fostering trust and confidence in the research process.
A resource page that explores how working in academia can impact on mental health and well-being of researchers.
Resource page
Dr Rachel Cowen, Director of the Centre for Academic and Researcher Development, Faculty of Biology,University of Manchester
A selection of publications, infographics, slides and videos on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Kim provides an overview of the current issues concerning diversity in research publishing.
In this video, Polly Williams shares how the Royal Academy of Engineering is promoting diversity and inclusion in the research environment.