Subscribing to UKRIO

Signal your organisation’s commitment to supporting integrity and quality in research by subscribing to UKRIO today

UKRIO is a registered charity set up to provide independent and expert support on good research practice. We help the UK research community to do the best research that it can – work of the highest integrity, quality and efficacy.

Since our creation in 2006, we’ve gained unique and unparalleled expertise and insights, which we channel into our support for the research community and the public.

What UKRIO can offer you

UKRIO does not provide a one-size-fits-all service. As a confidential advisory body, we recognise the challenges that researchers and organisations have to deal with, and provide in-depth and long-term support for our subscribers. Our focus is on practical advice and guidance, avoiding bureaucracy or adding further burdens.

Advisory and support services for subscribers
  • Help with addressing and preventing research misconduct
  • Practical advice on promoting a culture of research integrity
  • Guidance on aligning with The Concordat to Support Research Integrity and other contractual requirements
  • Advice on research practice for staff and research students
  • Education and training in good research practice
  • Policy review
  • News updates
  • Subscriber web portal leading to dozens of exclusive resources
  • Bespoke services and consultancy
  • And much more

Please note: some bespoke services may incur an additional fee. This includes expert reviews of policy and processes, tailored training, etc. If you have a bespoke support need you’d like to discuss with us, please contact

Pricing and further information

UKRIO operates a tiered subscription model based on a combination of the institution type (e.g. higher education, private sector, SME, not-for-profit/third sector) and the number of research-active roles within an institution.

We are keen to explore how the services we provide and our unmatched practical experience might best support research integrity in your institution. For further information or to sign up, please contact us.


Associate membership for non-UK research organisations

UKRIO’s expertise is understandably rooted in the legal, ethical and other structures under which research is conducted in the UK. However, there is a great deal of crossover with how research is conducted in other countries, including common challenges and pitfalls. We offer an associate membership for non-UK research organisations which wish to use our advisory and support services, and access our subscriber-only events and resources.

For further information or to sign up, please contact us.