World Science Academies publish guidance to promote good research practice

The InterAcademy Council and IAP – the global network of science academies – have published ‘Responsible Conduct in the Global Research Enterprise’, the first product of their joint project on scientific integrity.

The representative international organisations of the world’s national scientific academies, the InterAcademy Council and IAP hope that their new guidance will provide clarity and advice on responsible conduct in the global research enterprise.

UKRIO is particularly pleased that ‘Responsible Conduct in the Global Research Enterprise’ acknowledges that policies which might put more weight on quantity over quality of research should be avoided. In our experience, these can inadvertently foster poor practice and put pressure on researchers to cut corners.

‘Too often there is an overemphasis of quantity over quality in the reward systems for researchers, which can send the wrong message to young researchers,’ said IAP Co-Chair Howard Alper, chair, Canadian Science, Technology, and Innovation Council, and former president, Royal Society of Canada. ‘Funding agencies and research institutions should promote and reward excellence.’

InterAcademy Council/ IAP: Responsible Conduct in the Global Research Enterprise

InterAcademy Council/ IAP: media release on the launch of Responsible Conduct in the Global Research Enterprise