UKRIO responds to draft Research Integrity Concordat

UKRIO has responded to the consultation on the draft ‘Concordat to Support Research Integrity’. We welcome the Concordat and hope it signals a collective determination to show that the UK research community understands the pressures which undermine sound science and remains a champion of research integrity.

Our response poses a number of a number of questions about the detailed implications of the Concordat. We are ready to work on these issues with the authors, to help ensure proportionate and practical guidance without imposing additional burdens. UKRIO believes that the Concordat could be very influential with a small number of further developments.

UKRIO response to ‘The Concordat to Support Research Integrity’

UKRIO’s submission draws upon our unmatched practical experience in the promotion of good research practice and addressing poor practice and misconduct. It also draws upon the views of a number of organisations and individuals who made comments to UKRIO concerning the draft guidance. Information on the consultation can be found on the Universities UK website. For further information on our response, please contact us.