UKRIO CEO and Trustee publish new blog: ‘Destigmatising the search and correction of research errors’

In a new blog, UKRIO CEO Stephanie Neave and Trustee Dr Simon argue that efforts to prevent research errors must accurately reflect and address the root causes driving questionable research practices and misconduct.
Central to their argument is the assertion that mistakes in research inevitably occur and that the stigma often attached – as well as the wider structural issues within the research environment which encourage or allow QRPs – must be tackled to normalise early reporting of concerns and safeguard the integrity of the scholarly record. It also highlights the work UKRIO is leading to destigmatise the reporting of concerns about research integrity, including through its new Discussion paper on terminology changes to destigmatise the investigation of research misconduct.
This piece calls for renewed efforts to continue investigating the conditions and factors that drive questionable research practices and misconduct, including by inviting readers to participate in the Questionable Research Practices Survey being led by the University of Portsmouth.