Publication of UKRIO Information Note: Guidance for researchers on retractions in academic journals

UKRIO and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) have produced an information note to raise awareness of the proper criteria for retractions in academic journals and remind researchers that good practice in research includes reporting concerns about the conduct of research, including its publication and dissemination.

It is important that all involved in research are aware of what circumstances might justify retracting a publication, their professional responsibility to report such circumstances promptly to the relevant journals and the reliance of journals on research organisations and employers to investigate allegations of misconduct promptly and in a thorough, fair and transparent manner.

The Information Note can be downloaded here: UKRIO IN-01 Guidance for researchers on retractions in academic journals

Further information on UKRIO’s series of Information Notes is also available.

UKRIO would like to thank COPE for its assistance in producing this Information Note.  Further information on COPE’s vital work.