New guidance: Research Ethics Support and Review in Research Organisations

Today the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) and the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) publish Research Ethics Support and Review in Research Organisations, to support the research community in achieving high standards of research ethics review.

The guidance offers benchmark policies and processes which organisations can use to create, revise or audit institutional practices in order to support the functions of research ethics committees.

It also synthesises developments in academic work on ethics and integrity, the expectations of research funders and government and existing examples of good practice, to help researchers and organisations to develop a positive culture of integrity and ethics in research.


Steph Bales, Chair of ARMA said: “I am thrilled to see the collaborative efforts of ARMA and UKRIO come to fruition in this joint guidance document. It is essential reading for all research professionals not just those involved in supporting ethics committee structures and I urge all ARMA members to download a copy. I would particularly like to thank those experts who were formerly part of the Association for Research Ethics (AfRE) without whom this endeavour would have been impossible.”

Professor Sir Ian Boyd, Chair of UKRIO said: “All organisations involved in research, from universities to commercial companies, will benefit from this document. The principles it sets out lay the ground work for good practice. Ensuring the highest standards in research integrity and ethics needs to be a central plank of corporate social responsibility. People expect it and this document points out the route through which this responsibility can be delivered.”


Research Ethics Support and Review in Research Organisations is available in two formats: the standard guidance, which includes extended background and rationale with references, and a summary version, which sets out key recommendations and basic ground rules for developing best practice in supporting high ethical standards in research.


Supporting materials:

A presentation summarising the key points of the guidance is available in Powerpoint and PDF formats:

Forms from the Appendices are also available as separate PDFs for ease of completion:


Additional supporting materials will be published in due course and the guidance will be incorporated in UKRIO’s and ARMA’s training programmes.