Inaugural annual conference for UKRIO subscribers

UKRIO will hold the first Annual Conference for its subscribers on Wednesday 6 March 2013, at the offices of CMS Cameron McKenna in the City of London.

Speakers from UKRIO and other experts in research integrity will discuss how to promote and sustain good research practice and how to avoid common issues and pitfalls. The underlying theme of the event will be sharing lessons learned from UKRIO’s unique and extensive experience. We hope it will also provide a forum for our subscribers to discuss the issues which matter to them and share their own experiences.

The conference is an invitation-only event, for those research organisations which have chosen to subscribe to UKRIO. If your institution would like to learn more about the benefits of supporting UKRIO, please contact us.

UKRIO is a charitable organisation funded entirely through subscriptions. We are grateful to CMS Cameron McKenna for hosting the conference at their London offices.