Forthcoming from UKRIO: review of our advisory services 2007-2009

As the only dedicated research integrity organisation in the UK, UKRIO has amassed significant expertise through its considerable experiences in helping researchers, research organisations and members of the public address misconduct in research across all subject areas. No other organisation has comparable experience in providing such support to the UK research community.

From the volume of cases that we deal with, currently 30 – 40 per year, it is evident that researchers and organisations, which might be expected to be hesitant about sharing problems with a non-regulatory body, are willing to come forward and seek guidance on difficult issues. To pass on the lessons learned from our experiences, UKRIO will shortly be publishing a review of the first three years of its advisory service.

The review will include key lessons that we feel the research community should be aware of, anonymised summary data on the requests for assistance received by UKRIO and illustrative, anonymised case studies.

The intent is to show how the essential service provided by UKRIO has worked in practice and use case studies to illustrate key points of good practice to researchers and organisations. The review will also highlight examples of poor practice that we feel the research community must avoid, in order not to repeat the mistakes of others.