Annual Conference Day One – High Engagement!

As Day one draws to a close, engagement and interactions remain high!

Today’s speakers included:

1) Professor Astrid Eichhorn, chair of the ALLEA Working Group Climate Sustainability in the Academic System

2) Professor James Wilsdon, Director, Research on Research Institute (RoRI)

3) Dr. Sam Oakley, Researcher Development & Integrity Specialist, University of Glasgow

4) Dr. Samuel Westwood, University of Westminster

5) Dr Rachel Cowen, Director of the Centre for Academic and Researcher Development, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University Lead for Equality Diversity and Inclusion, University of Manchester

6) Susan Veldsman, Director: Scholarly Publishing, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)

You can still join Day Two tomorrow by clicking here.

Look out for the slides and videos which will be made available  on our website soon , until then you can visit our Twitter @UKRIO for all the LIVE streaming interaction!