Training and development

UKRIO undertakes a wide variety of activities tailored to meet the needs of our network of over 140 subscribing institutions, informed by UKRIO’s unmatched practical experience. Our charity aims to provide in-depth and long-term support for its subscribers to support them to authentically embed a culture of research integrity. A key part of this are our training and development activities, some of which are also available to non-subscribing organisations.

We work closely with the research community to understand the fundamental challenges it faces. Our training and development activities are available to everyone involved in research at an organisation, from the senior leadership team to those just starting their research careers.

Training included within a UKRIO annual subscription

  1. Free access to our Introduction to Research Integrity online course, with subscribers receiving up to 1,000 free places based on their subscription tier, along with discounted rates for additional enrolments.
  2. Access to four exclusive training webinars per year, with unlimited places for researchers from subscribing organisations.
  3. Discounted access to training for research ethics committees and training in research ethics for researchers.
  4. Access to exclusive training materials via this website.
  5. One hour of virtual training services per year to meet an organisation’s individual needs:
    • Consultancy/advice from our expert staff to support you to develop and deliver training – or wider research integrity activities.
    • Virtual training session from our expert staff on a variety of topics.

We feel that this package represents great value for our subscribers, given market rates for training services. Subscribing organisations and their researchers can also access our wider events programme and extensive library of recorded sessions.

Additional training and development services are available for subscribers at a further, discounted cost:

  • Additional consultancy or virtual training sessions
  • Bespoke virtual training
  • Speakers for conferences and events
  • In-person versions of virtual training services

Training for non-subscriber organisations

If you have research integrity training needs, organisations which choose to subscribe to UKRIO receive free training and development activities as part of their subscription, including subscriber-exclusive services. They also access our other training services at a discounted rate.

We recognise that some organisations may not currently be in a position to subscribe. Non-subscribers can access the following services (at non-discounted rates):

  • Virtual training sessions from our expert staff on a variety of topics.
  • Bespoke virtual training.
  • Training for research ethics committees and training in research ethics for researchers.
  • Speakers for conferences and events.
  • In-person versions of virtual training services.

Training session topics

Our trainers can deliver taught sessions, case study and discussion workshops, and awareness-raising talks on a variety of topics, including:

  • Introduction to research integrity and research culture
  • Research ethics for early-career researchers
  • Research ethics for research ethics committees (RECs)
  • Publication ethics and authorship in research
  • Implementing the Concordat to Support Research Integrity
  • Organisational strategies to enhance research culture
  • Research integrity and research culture for senior leadership teams
  • Addressing breaches of research integrity, including investigating allegations of research misconduct
  • Training for research integrity champions, advisers and similar roles

Booking training and development services

All training and consultancy sessions are subject to trainer availability.

To request training or consultancy services, please contact us:


Terms and conditions for UKRIO event and training bookings can be found here.