Online training course: About the course

Introduction to research integrity is a four-module course that has been carefully refined following a successful pilot with nearly 9,000 participants across 100+ research organisations across the UK. It is designed to provide a strong foundational understanding of research integrity principles, along with practical guidance on how to apply them in everyday research practices.

Enhanced value for subscribers at a critical time

We recognise that many of our subscribers are facing significant financial pressures, which can affect how research integrity is resourced. However, these challenges also increase the risk of poor research practices, making support for good research practices more critical than ever.

Research integrity training is essential for institutions to equip their staff to conduct high-quality, ethical, and effective research — and is increasingly a requirement for research funding.

To enhance our support for subscribers at a critical time, we are offering each of them up to 1,000 free places in the course (based on subscription tier) and discounted rates for additional enrolments.

This course is the first in a series of new training materials we will be offering over the next year.

Tested by professionals

Developed through UKRIO’s extensive experience supporting researchers via its Advisory Service, this course was tested by nearly 9,000 professionals from 100+ research organisations of various sizes and types, from specialist institutions to PSREs and Russell Group universities.

Here’s what pilot participants say about the course:

92% would ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ recommend this course to other researchers. (n=1,435) 

94% reported the course ‘exceeded expectations’ or ‘met expectations’. (n=1,424)

95% reported that it was ‘very easy’ or ‘easy’ to navigate the course. (n=1,430) 

Source: Feedback survey from participants in the pilot version of the training course, conducted after course completion.

What’s new?

Based on feedback from the pilot, we’ve made key enhancements to the course.

New features include:

  • New and refreshed design for a more user-friendly experience
  • Expanded content on topics like research ethics, conflicts of interest, data management, authorship, and AI
  • New multimedia and interactive elements, including videos, case studies, scenarios, and assessments
  • Up-to-date guidance on key frameworks such as the revised Concordat to Support Research Integrity
  • A streamlined registration and administration process
  • Improved reporting capabilities
  • A communications package to help subscribers promote the course

What does the course cover?

This course will help your institution’s staff and/or members apply research integrity principles to strengthen good research practice and enhance the integrity of their work.

Learners will gain:

  • A strong understanding of research integrity and how to apply its principles
  • Knowledge of good research practices to support high-quality work and prevent breaches of research integrity
  • Strategies to navigate common research integrity challenges
  • An overview of national guidelines, governance frameworks, and available support systems
  • Awareness of how personal and professional approaches to research integrity contribute to a strong research culture

Who should take the course?

This course is suitable for researchers at all career stages and across disciplines, as well as research governance professionals. It serves as a foundational course for early-career researchers and a refresher for experienced professionals.

The following audiences will benefit from this course:

  • Early career researchers (PhD students, postdocs and fellows)
  • Established researchers (PIs, lecturers, professors)
  • Senior research leaders (PVCs, directors, heads of departments/centres)
  • Research support staff (technicians, research assistants, data/project infrastructure support)
  • Research governance staff (research integrity, culture, governance and ethics professionals)

Last updated: 24/03/2025