Research Integrity Landscape in the UK
This map demonstrates the complex research integrity landscape in the UK.
UKRIO is the UK’s national advisory body for research integrity. Established in 2006, we deliver a wide-ranging programme of guidance and support to enhance good research practice and research culture. There are many other national and international organisations that address aspects of research integrity as part of their wider activities, such as open research, research culture or publication ethics.
The UK’s national framework for research integrity is The Concordat to Support Research Integrity. Complying with the Concordat is a contractual requirement by some research funders but is otherwise voluntary. UKRIO’s activities include support on how to comply with the Concordat.
In the UK, individual research employers are responsible for investigating allegations of research misconduct. There is no national regulator or other body to investigate or oversee research misconduct investigations. Funders can require institutions to report on investigations to them, as part of compliance with the Concordat or other contractual obligations. UKRIO provides advice and guidance on misconduct investigations to individuals and organisations. This map is illustrative of those involved in UK research integrity and is not exhaustive.
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