Who we are not

There’s an alphabet soup in research support organisations. We are UKRIO, the UK Research Integrity Office. We’re a charity that offers education, guidance, and advice on good research practice and handling research misconduct.

Who we are not

  • UKRI, UK Research and Innovation: the body for UK research councils (funders)
  • UK CORI, the UK Committee on Research Integrity: UKRI funded, promotes UK research integrity and builds consensus and co-ownership
  • UUK, Universities UK: the secretariat for the UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity and who hosted UKRIO in our pilot phase
  • UKRO, the UK Research Office: representatives of UKRI in Horizon Europe
  • UKRN, the UK Reproducibility Network: a peer-led consortium
  • ORI, the US Office for Research Integrity
  • The UK arm of the RIO trial

For more information on the complex research integrity landscape in the UK, see our landscape map (accessible list).

Research Integrity Landscape in the UK