Following on from our successful Annual conference, registration is now OPEN for the next in our webinar series. Join our next UKRIO webinar: Recognizing & Rewarding Responsible Research Practice Wednesday 21 July 2021, 10am – 12pm. Click here to register. 

We have great speakers lined up:

Dr Stuart Richie, Psychologist and a Lecturer at King’s College London, will discuss perverse incentives and what to do about them. Those of us who are interested in reforming scientific culture often talk about the perverse incentives that push researchers away from reliable research and towards mere publication and prestige-hunting. In this talk, Stuart Ritchie will describe some of these incentives, give examples of the unfortunate effects they have, and then talk about how we might change the incentives to prioritise high-quality research.

Dr Karen Stroobants, Research Leader at RAND Europe, will briefly reflect on why reward and recognition in academia needs to and, in several places, is starting to undergo a rethink. She will share some insights from her work at the Royal Society, developing a new researcher CV template as an adaptable tool to reward a range of researcher contributions including responsible research practice. Finally, she will discuss how different stakeholders can and are already contributing to a reimagining of research assessment practices, including opportunities for early career researchers.

Dr Elizabeth Adams, Workstream Lead – Research Culture at University of Glasgow, will talk through how do we recognise and celebrate support for the careers of others? In 2019, the University of Glasgow introduced awards for research culture. Elizabeth will outline the thinking behind these awards and share learning from their implementation. She will also contextualise them within the wider framework of the University’s research culture action plan, considering the levers within the University system which enable culture change, either through making removing barriers to make it easy to ‘do the right thing’ or ensuring appropriate recognition for those less visible but no less vital contributions to academic work.