Updated Publication: A Primer on Research Involving Animals V2.0

UKRIO has published an update of the primer document on research integrity in research involving animals. Version 2.0 is available to download now:

UKRIO Research Integrity – a primer on research involving animals V2.0

Written by Dr Nikki Osborne of Responsible Research in Practice, this revised edition of the primer focuses on responsible conduct, good governance and ethical oversight of animal use in research. It complements existing UKRIO guidance referencing animal use in research, as well as the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and guidance regulating the use of animals in scientific procedures.

The document is relevant to all researchers whose work involves the use of live animals, biological materials derived from animals, or animal-derived data. This is because the scientific, ethical and welfare concerns that have underpinned the development of good practice guidelines and standards in this area apply irrespective of legislative requirements.

Research organisations may use this document as a reference tool to aid the review of how best to support the responsible use of animals in research, to revise specific policies on animal use in research, develop training material, or consider how to manage or resolve potentially controversial aspects associated with research involving animals.

This new and revised edition highlights the abundance of information regarding good practice, responsible conduct and integrity that relates to animal use in research. General awareness of these across the Life Science research community is highly variable and this guidance collates many useful tools to assist in training, support and mentoring, and to help equip students and staff with the knowledge and skills that they will need to achieve required expectations in these fields of research.