Revised Concordat to Support Research Integrity published

UKRIO welcomes the publication today of the revised Concordat to Support Research Integrity. We see it as an important step in safeguarding and improving standards in UK research, as research quality is inextricably linked to research integrity.

Responding to an inquiry by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, the revised Concordat clarifies what is required from researchers, employers of researchers and funders of research to help ensure that the highest standards of rigour and integrity are maintained.

UKRIO holds an Observer role on the Concordat Signatories Group and the updated Concordat was developed with the assistance of our unique expertise and experience. We will continue to work with the signatories of the Concordat to help implement its requirements and provide feedback to inform its future development.

Sir Ian Boyd, Chair of UKRIO, said: “This revised concordat is an important step to put research on the highest level of trust with the public. We must leave no stone unturned when it comes to ensuring that research, which is often supported by public funding and which can affect people’s lives in fundamental ways, is of the highest possible standard”

James Parry, Chief Executive of UKRIO, said: “We welcome the publication of the revised Concordat to Support Research Integrity and the ongoing focus on research integrity in the UK. This new document needs to be followed by work to further embed its standards in UK research and we look forward to supporting researchers, research organisations and funders in achieving this. UKRIO will continue to use its unique expertise to inform further work on the Concordat.”

The revised Concordat can be downloaded from the Universities UK website: The Concordat to Support Research Integrity (2019)


Supporting the implementation of the revised Concordat

UKRIO will continue its extensive programme of work to support the UK research community in meeting the requirements of the Concordat. We will update our Concordat Self-Assessment Tool to help institutions implement the Concordat and will continue working with our subscribers to revise and improve their systems and practices. UKRIO does not offer a prescriptive approach but helps researchers and institutions determine what would best meet their particular needs.

A 2016 progress report on the Concordat by Universities UK praised our work in this area:

“…the most oft-cited resources that institutional leads on research integrity drew on were those provided by the UK Research Integrity Office, with both the ‘hard’ guidance available through UKRIO (such as model policies and processes) and the ‘soft’ support (such as informal advice and the annual conference) being highly valued.”

The same inquiry by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee that called for the Concordat to be revised, praised the work of UKRIO on research integrity in the UK, stating: “We recommend that the Government and Universities UK write jointly to all universities to encourage them to engage with UKRIO and consider subscribing to its services.”

If you would like our support in embedding the revised Concordat in the systems and practices of your research or your organisation, please contact us.