Would you like to contribute to a landscape study of research integrity?

From the Vitae website: Vitae in partnership with UKRIO have been commissioned by Research England, on behalf of UKRI to undertake a research integrity landscape study. This project will consider the effects of incentives in the research system on researcher behaviour in the context of research integrity, how these incentives are perceived by different stakeholders and the impact of these incentives on researcher behaviour and organisational practices more broadly.

We are looking for researchers at all career stages (from PhD candidate upwards) to participate and currently have places available on workshops over the summer and are seeking expressions of interest in attending some further workshops in the autumn. Our confirmed dates are below, and workshops in the autumn will take place in several locations across the UK.


The workshops will take place in:

  1. Kings College London, 18 July (13.30-16.30)
  2. University of Manchester, 9 August (13.30-16.30)


Register your interest to attend a workshop during the summer or to be contacted about future workshops (please note that this link will take you to the Vitae website; the Vitae privacy policy is available here). We will seek to balance attendance at the workshops taking into account discipline, career stage and institution.

Workshop places are limited and we will confirm places by email and hold a waiting list. If you would like to be contacted about the survey later in the year please indicate this on your registration form.


Workshop draft agenda

  • Welcome and introductions (15 min)
  • Part 1. Discussion questions and brainstorming in small groups (1 hour)
  • Refreshment break
  • Part 2. Group activity, modelling the landscape of research integrity (1 hour)
  • Part 3. Final reflections, group and individual (15 min)