UKRIO holds its inaugural Annual Conference

UKRIO today welcomes its subscribers and invited guests to its first Annual Conference, at the offices of CMS Cameron McKenna in the City of London.

Speakers from UKRIO and other experts in research integrity will be discussing how to promote and sustain good research practice and how to avoid common issues and pitfalls. We will be sharing lessons learnt from UKRIO’s unique experiences and providing a forum for our subscribers to discuss the issues which matter to them.

The confirmed speakers and panel members are:

  • Professor Sir Ian Kennedy, Chair, UKRIO.
  • Professor Edward Acton, Vice-Chancellor, University of East Anglia.
  • Dr Virginia Barbour, Chief Editor, PLOS Medicine; UKRIO Advisory Board member.
  • Professor Michael Farthing, Vice-Chair, UKRIO; Vice-Chancellor, University of Sussex.
  • Dr John Oates, Open University and British Psychological Society.
  • James Parry, Chief Executive, UKRIO.
  • Professor Anthony Segal, Director, Centre for Molecular Medicine, University College London.
  • Dr Richard Smith, former Editor in Chief, British Medical Journal; UKRIO Advisory Board member.
  • Dr Liz Wager, former Chair, Committee on Publication Ethics; UKRIO Advisory Board member.

The conference is an invitation-only event, for those research organisations which have chosen to subscribe to UKRIO. If your institution would like to learn more about the benefits of supporting UKRIO, please contact us.

UKRIO is a charitable organisation funded entirely through subscriptions. We are grateful to CMS Cameron McKenna for hosting the conference at their London offices and for the support of the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA).