The Concordat to Support Research Integrity: new services for UKRIO subscribers

UKRIO is a supporter of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity. We see it as an important step in the journey towards improving research integrity and enhancing the UK’s world-class reputation for conducting exceptional and innovative research.

We are expanding our programme of work to include activities that will support researchers and organisations in meeting the requirements of the Concordat. UKRIO is developing an audit tool to help institutions implement the Concordat and a sample internal reporting form, with other work streams to follow soon.

The audit tool will be designed to help institutions identify areas of their policies, processes or practice that require attention and may need to be revised so that they adhere to the requirements and recommendations of the Concordat. UKRIO recognises that institutions differ in their size, resources, systems and research activities. The aim of the audit tool is to help organisations think about the implications of the Concordat and decide what is best for them rather than prescribe specific solutions or impose particular systems.

The Concordat notes that research employers will be required to provide their governing body with an annual statement, which could also be made publicly available.  UKRIO will be developing a suggested template for this statement and will offer assistance to its subscribers in completing this task. As with the audit tool, we will not offer a prescriptive approach but help institutions determine what would best meet their particular needs.

These new and in-depth services will be made available to those research organisations which have chosen to subscribe to UKRIO. If your institution would like to learn more about the benefits of supporting UKRIO, please contact us.

UKRIO remains committed to supporting researchers, research participants, patients and members of the public with questions or concerns about the conduct of research. Individuals who require help from UKRIO regarding any aspect of the Concordat, its implementation or implications – or on any other issue – should contact us. They do not need to subscribe to UKRIO to receive our help and will continue to find our services free at the point of delivery. We do not place barriers in the way of anyone with concerns about the conduct of research.