UKRIO is moving

On 22nd October, UKRIO will be moving to new premises in south London. This long-planned move to larger premises will enable us to take on additional staff to enhance our existing work programme and the support services that we provide to our many subscriber institutions. It will also help us to work even more closely with the many learned societies, professional bodies and other research-related organisations based in London.

To allow us to move, UKRIO will be closed Thursday 22nd to Friday 23rd October, reopening on Monday 26th October. We apologise for this brief disruption to our services.

Our new address and telephone number will be:

UK Research Integrity Office
Sussex Innovation Croydon
6th Floor
No. 1 Croydon
12-16 Addiscombe Road
Croydon CR0 0XT

Tel. +44 (0) 20 3828 1325

Our other contact information will stay the same:



Twitter: @UKRIO

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us.