HEFCE to require compliance with research integrity Concordat

Times Higher Education reports that the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) will make compliance with the Concordat to Support Research Integrity a condition of its grants to higher education institutions. The requirement will come into force from the 2013-14 academic year onwards.

According to the article, institutions will not have to demonstrate full compliance with the Concordat during the 2013-14 academic year but will be allowed to state that they are instead working towards it. Full compliance will be a requirement from the 2014-15 academic year.

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UKRIO agrees that demonstrating compliance with the Concordat should be integrated into HEFCE’s existing reporting requirements. As with the Concordat itself, this approach has the potential to demonstrate that the UK research community shares the values underpinning high standards of professional behaviour in relation to research, is clear about its responsibilities, and is prepared to act on them.

HEFCE consulted on its approach earlier this year. Our response posed a number of a number of questions about the detailed implications of HEFCE’s proposals. We are ready to work on these issues with HEFCE, to help ensure a proportionate and practical assessment of compliance with the Concordat without imposing additional burdens. UKRIO believes that, with a small number of further developments, HEFCE’s proposed approach could be very influential.

UKRIO response to HEFCE consultation on research integrity concordat March 2013

UKRIO continues to help many universities become compliant with the requirements of the Concordat. If you would like more information on the support that UKRIO offers, please contact us.