Forthcoming publications: UKRIO guidance notes

To supplement our core publications – our code of practice for research and our research misconduct investigation procedure – UKRIO is publishing a series of guidance notes on specific aspects of academic, scientific and medical research.

As well as providing useful guidance, for researchers, the guidance notes can  be used by organisations to raise awareness, as material for researcher development and as reference tools if organisations want to create specific policies on these issues or to revise them.

We have prepared guidance notes on internet-mediated research and authorship of research publications. Members of our Register of Advisers are in the process of giving feedback on the draft guidance notes, prior to their publication later in 2016. We are also keen that our subscribers should have input into the development of this new guidance and are looking for a small group to give their views.

Our guidance note on the responsibilities of researchers, organisations and authors in relation to retractions in academic journals, produced in collaboration with the Committee on Publication Ethics, is available here.